Community Initiative
in Addressing Rural Education
Project Backdrop
Observing the positive experiences of CARE pilot
project-2008, Sir Jamsetji Tata Trust Mumbai (JTT),
Mumbai gave an extension of the same project for the
next three years (2009-2011). Like other education
intervention projects, CARE project also had been
focusing on ensuring right to elementary education to
all children irrespective of their caste, creed, gender,
social status. However, keeping in view, the future
sustainability, community participation was given due
importance. FACE also firmly believed in the fact that
bridge course (a strategy adapted to mainstream children
to formal schools) is not a standalone project. The aim
is not only to address education needs of out of school
children of some selected villages but to make these
project villages fully literate with no children staying
out of school. A vision like this can only be realized
when the local community, parents understand the need
for formal education, want their village schools to
perform well; and at the same time teachers of the
formal schools also want no children to be out of school
in their school catchment area & dedicate their time in
quality teaching. Similarly, it was also crucial to see
that such positive change in the mind set of the
villagers could not be only with regard to education but
also with regard to other basic facilities like health,
infrastructure, employment etc. Hence, it calls for
community empowerment and the latter can usher in, if
the community is sensitized, made to understand about
their rights and are trained to voice their opinion,
demand for their rights. Hence, keeping in mind all
these above stated facts, FACE under guidance and
support of JTT, Mumbai designed the second phase of the
CARE project. The CARE project includes;
Community Empowerment through participation & training
Intervention in formal schools to ensure quality
Addressing needs of out of school children especially
Establishing linkage between community & government
Creating convergence among all stakeholders. The target
group of the project is disadvantaged children between
age group 8-13 years in the targeted 10 villages in
Pakur Block of Pakur District.
Strength of
the project
Child Tracking System
Putting child tracking system in place seems to be an
innovative approach that not only helps to reduce child
drop-out but also gives one a better understanding with
regard to children academics, behaviors, health & extra-
curricular activity or children dropping out from
schools. It helps to see us through a microscope the
reasons for being outside school, family impediments is
a school environment, working environment is a school
environment and more over mapping adds to it a spatial
aspect. Thus the child tracking system followed by FACE
in the project gave us a holistic view on the status of
out of school children, reasons for them to stay out of
schools, available amenities in the existing formal
schools, mapping of status of girl children in the
project villages. It has helped FACE staff to gain
better clarity. Instead of delivering outputs
mechanically, the educators, out reach workers & project
staff of FACE understood the underlying causes and
worked towards addressing those instead of just giving
efforts to put out of school children in bridge course
centers and mainstreaming them in formal schools.
Community Participation
FACE organized regular interaction & sanitization
meetings at community levels for parents, youth groups,
Saraswati Bahinis (a formal school based mothers group),
community groups to empower them. It resulted in
bringing a change in the attitude of the community.
Community now understands the importance of formal
education, role of teachers in their children's life,
their duty as citizens to make various Government
Departments like Education, Health, Police, Social
Welfare, Rural Development more proactive and need to
establish a linkage between various government
departments like education, health, labour etc. Many of
the villagers non-hesitantly went to a Government
Departments to seek information regarding existing
welfare schemes & shared the same with their peers.
Positive attitude of Formal Schools
A change in the mind set of the teachers of the formal
school teachers could be noticed. A child friendly
academic atmosphere in the schools gradually ushered in.
The teachers seemed to have mellowed down and portrayed
a friendlier image to the community & their children.
Understanding the fact that, the children of bridge
course centers are no way less competent than the
regular school going children was itself a great radical
change in the mind set of the teachers. Similarly,
showing respect to FACE bridge course educators for
helping over aged out of school children acquire
required competencies within a short duration should
also be viewed positively.
The community was working as a partner with FACE for
strengthening the project.
The community was in the process of being empowered.
The community started voicing their opinion in various
public forum.
A demand for education could be noticed among the
community members.
Formal schools teachers became more proactive and felt
it is discredit on their part if children stay out of
school in the school catchment area.
The government sought advice from FACE to design
strategies to address education needs
of out of school children found in other pockets of the