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Word Power Championship-WPC
Awareness camp cum Nutritional Food Distribution during Pandemic
English Literacy Project-ELP
Continuation and Expansion of Elementary Education (CEEE)
Women Empowerment and Zari Training
Madrasa-Makhtab Intervention
Community Initiative in Addressing Rural Education
Residential  Bridge Course Camp
Training on  HIV/AIDS
Girl Child  Education
Comprehensive & Reading Skill Development and Remedial Coaching Classes for Class VIII-XI under Ban Bandhu Kalyan Yojna

Women Empowerment and Zari Training

Project Background

Since inception, FACE was involved in implementation of various community based project aiming towards empowerment of women, especially those belonging to the rural community & slum area. It is noteworthy to mention here that Pakur has a high concentration of Muslim and primitive tribe population and status of women belonging to these communities is quite abysmal. During the financial year 2009-2010, NABARD, Ranchi provided fund to FACE under Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) to work with
women for imparting skill training on �Zari Making� at a large scale. Prior to the start of the training. Face organized an exposure visit for some selected women to project area of a West Bengal (Bauriya-Howrah district) based NGO � Taj Mahal Foundation, where the local women were involved in zari work as a part of their income generation programme.

The visit generated a positive impact on the women of Pakur who carried it back to their native village to share it with their neighbours & friends. Later FACE selected a cadre of prospective trainees after an intensive survey. A training module was developed and a 45 days formal training on Zari work was conducted for all the identified women. Similarly earlier with support of NFI FACE ran a project to - �ensure participation of women in rural development�. With an objective to empower local women. A major outcome of this project was formation of various SHGs of rural women which in the process enabled the women of the area to make decisions on their own, express their opinion & views on various aspects of rural development. Effort was also been given to make these women self reliant through various short term income generation programmes. These exposures helped FACE to bring the women & men of the area to come out of the shackles of purdah system and demand for further involvement in various income generation programmes for immediate economic independence and long term sustenance. Government of Jharkhand's subsidiary JHARCRAFT has also agreed to support FACE in training, procurement of raw materials and marketing of the finished products very soon.

Project Description

Zarri work involves fine craftsmanship and includes various patterns of stitching & sewing like sitara making, pattern development, border grafting etc. FACE initiated all the base works to start a zari training centre. An expert trainer was engaged.
Training shade with required infrastructural facilities was identified. �Dhadda� (a specialized training equipment) was installed. Daily activity schedule was fixed between 11 am to 5 pm.30 Women who were willing to receive the training were identified & enlisted. The trainees were divided in to groups and separate time table was prepared for each group. Trainees selected their group as per their suitability.

Impact on the Community

In spite of impediments, the zari work skill development training ushered in positive impact on the women and their community as a whole.

Positive Self-image

Women who once hesitated to come out were able to build a positive self image. Successful accomplishment of completion of training increased their self confidence and enhanced their self esteem. Male folk of the community also gained trust and confidence on their women counterpart.

Improved Decision Making Power

The women were in process of developing ability to think independently & make decisions of their own. Ability to make correct choices on their own boosted their self image & confidence.



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