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Word Power Championship-WPC
Awareness camp cum Nutritional Food Distribution during Pandemic
English Literacy Project-ELP
Continuation and Expansion of Elementary Education (CEEE)
Women Empowerment and Zari Training
Madrasa-Makhtab Intervention
Community Initiative in Addressing Rural Education
Residential  Bridge Course Camp
Training on  HIV/AIDS
Girl Child  Education
Comprehensive & Reading Skill Development and Remedial Coaching Classes for Class VIII-XI under Ban Bandhu Kalyan Yojna


Continuation and Expansion of Elementary Education (CEEE)

Education when imparted at the early childhood has far reaching impact on the future of children. One can recall a saying from The New Testament "Train up a child in the way he should and when he is old , he shall not depart from it." Education teaches not only what is in the books but moulds the child as a whole-----their thoughts and concepts.

When we started the first phase of Elementary Education we realized that sending a child to school did not solve the problem of ignorance and illiteracy. Most of the children coming from the rural block of Pakur were first generation learners who spoke only Bengali or could understand only what was taught in the Madrsas. These children could not understand what their teachers were speaking or teaching let alone what was written in the books. The six year olds were getting alienated from the mainstream. The teachers too were not equipped to tackle the situation.

It was at this point FACE has evolved and tried to address the existing problem. We came out with the first solution- the Cluster Learning Centres (CLC). The CLCs were meant to provide Support to the children who were lagging behind and bring them to the desired level.

The residential camps where the drawbacks of the children could be identified and rectified. Each CLC was meant to make the children school worthy. Children between 4-6 years was be prepared for school with the CLCs in cooperation with the Anganwadi workers. The attention would be on Language Transition, Loco Motor Skill Development, Pre-mathematical Concept and Creative Activities.


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